Proven Track Record

Past Projects


Classic Lake has facilitated the placement of over $350 million of investment, providing critical financing for over two dozen community and economic development projects from new construction to adaptive reuse and historic rehabilitation across the country. Classic Lake provides supportive services to municipal agencies, real estate and housing developers, small businesses, healthcare and education institutions, fresh grocers, non-profits, and financial services firms, enabling them to bridge capital gaps. Classic Lake also works with developers to increase outreach and hiring of minority- and women-owned businesses to address workforce equity.

Project Locations


Three Square Food Bank - North Las Vegas, NV

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Three Square Food Bank is Southern Nevada's only food bank serving communities wherein more than 271,000 residents are considered food insecure. The organization has acquired and is rehabilitating a 32,370 square foot warehouse. The facility will house Three Square’s Senior Hunger Program, its Benefits Outreach Services which facilitates the Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, its Emergency Food Assistance Program, and its call center. The facility will serve 54,600 seniors and 65,000 additional residents annually and 15,000 students daily. The facility will create 5 new full-time positions and retain 19 full-time employees.  The first federal transaction financed construction of the food bank facility, then the state and federal transaction financed working capital to provide the food.

"As the only food bank serving all of Southern Nevada, it is Three Square's mission, privilege and challenge to provide wholesome food to hungry people, while passionately pursuing a hunger-free community. What this means, in practical terms, is marshaling the financial, capital and human resources needed to provide 46 million nutritious meals every year. Recently Three Square was able to leverage a New Market Tax Credit investment, enabling us to provide millions of additional meals to Southern Nevadans in need.  The process was daunting; however, we were extremely fortunate to have the expertise of Kyle Walton to assist and advise us from beginning to end. Kyle's ability to break down a complex transaction into clear and simple steps was critically important to communicating the New Market Tax Credit requirements and benefits to our key donors and Board of Directors.  Kyle has the experience, knowledge and vision to bring big projects to close. He also demonstrated a genuine passion for Three Square's work, and food-insecure Southern Nevadans will have access to significantly more nutritious food because of him. Without hesitation I would recommend Kyle Walton and Classic Lake Consulting for anyone seeking investment structuring and advisory services."

-Tifani Walker, Chief Financial Officer